Orsi Foldesi
Yoga and Meditation Teacher
Certified by the Canadian Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Federation
My life has always been led by the winds of change, and I affect people the same way.
My intention is to fill these winds with warmth, care, attention and some laughter as we evolve together.
I have been a holistic practitioner since 21. So, over 25 years now.
Yoga entered my life at the age of 27. Living a highly driven life in the city of Budapest I started having environmental allergies, asthma, pains and aches, even panic attacks. My fantastic family doctor recommended Yoga to me. I took my first class with great resistance... oh, how I wish now that I started even sooner.
There was an amazing Yoga studio in Toronto, called Downward Dog. They teach Hatha Yoga in Ashtanga lineage. The studio is situated on top of a restaurant on Queen Street, therefore the uprising warmth (and smells) always added some extra dimension to our practice. That is where I started loving the flow of motion in harmony with my breath, the sweat dripping off my body. That is where I learned to calm my mind and realized that every minute I spend on the mat will multiply the efficiency, focus, and health for the rest of my day. I was almost 30 by then.
The effects of a 90 minute class lasted longer and longer, based on how often I practiced, so I became a regular practitioner and this has not changed in the last nearly 20 years.
I have became a Yoga teacher in 2009 Palm Desert California and taught over 3000 Yoga classes since.
I have taken multiple teacher trainings and many additional courses. The learning will never end.
The 8 limbs of Yoga are the compass to all aspects of my life.
My home base is on the beautiful Vancouver Island in Campbell River, Canada.
Wish you all the benefits I have gained through my journey and more.
With love, Orsi
Find me with questions: [email protected]
Yoga and Meditation Teacher
Certified by the Canadian Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Federation
My life has always been led by the winds of change, and I affect people the same way.
My intention is to fill these winds with warmth, care, attention and some laughter as we evolve together.
I have been a holistic practitioner since 21. So, over 25 years now.
Yoga entered my life at the age of 27. Living a highly driven life in the city of Budapest I started having environmental allergies, asthma, pains and aches, even panic attacks. My fantastic family doctor recommended Yoga to me. I took my first class with great resistance... oh, how I wish now that I started even sooner.
There was an amazing Yoga studio in Toronto, called Downward Dog. They teach Hatha Yoga in Ashtanga lineage. The studio is situated on top of a restaurant on Queen Street, therefore the uprising warmth (and smells) always added some extra dimension to our practice. That is where I started loving the flow of motion in harmony with my breath, the sweat dripping off my body. That is where I learned to calm my mind and realized that every minute I spend on the mat will multiply the efficiency, focus, and health for the rest of my day. I was almost 30 by then.
The effects of a 90 minute class lasted longer and longer, based on how often I practiced, so I became a regular practitioner and this has not changed in the last nearly 20 years.
I have became a Yoga teacher in 2009 Palm Desert California and taught over 3000 Yoga classes since.
I have taken multiple teacher trainings and many additional courses. The learning will never end.
The 8 limbs of Yoga are the compass to all aspects of my life.
My home base is on the beautiful Vancouver Island in Campbell River, Canada.
Wish you all the benefits I have gained through my journey and more.
With love, Orsi
Find me with questions: [email protected]
My Morning Prayer..
Great mystery! I woke up today. We moved out of the darkness on the surface of this spinning globe floating in dark space. We are back in the light again.. what a miracle…! Our Mother, this Earth continues to pulse in my veins for another day. Our Father the Sun, the centre of this constellation continues to shine and nourish her. Creator, Thank you for the opportunity to open my eyes. Thank you for this breath. Thank you for the health of this body and mind. I will take care of it and use it wisely. Thank you for this bed and roof, the food and all the abundance I enjoy. Thank you for my fellow passengers. The community of all human, animal plant and spirit beings. May we continue to choose each other. Please help me to stay in peace and in touch with grace. Help me to always know and do what is best for all. Let me hang onto this stillness within, while I physically move in the world. May I have courage and dare to look at everything fresh today again. Let me enter the arena of life with an open heart and live fully. Please guide every step on my journey as I walk back home to myself and to Oneness. Aum (or Amen) |
Yoga is the process to gain control of our own energy household.
The practice involves ongoing physical, mental, emotional and yes, even spiritual effort. Some of this effort is visible, as our physical body is part of our energy household. But only a small part. You know when you meet someone who follows this path, there are clear signs to recognize them: They are more in control of their own body, mind, emotions and this shows. They want and possess less as the years go by, as they master letting go. Their lines soften. Their movements become more efficient. They become more comfortable in silence (and perhaps more sensitive to noise.) Ultimately, they are more at peace with the world inside and around them. No violence ... no finger-pointing... no rattling and flag-waiving. Just more peace. I’m sure we all agree; humanity now, more than ever needs more individuals in control of their own energy households. The process of Yoga is clearly and simply explained in the scriptures outlining the 8 limbs of Yoga. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Paradipika and the Bhagavad Gita. ( I think this is where the “8 easy steps” expression comes from in English😉 ) The explanation is clear and makes the path seem easy, the process itself however is all encompassing. It’s a path to be walked on…a way of living. The practice involves ongoing physical, mental, emotional and yes, even spiritual effort. |